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Dart Container Layoff  Thumbnail

Dart Container Layoff

Dart Container, a major employer in the Greater Lansing area, has announced plans to lay off 250 workers, 160 of which are from the Mason headquarters. Dart Container's recent announcement of layoffs has undoubtedly caused concern and uncertainty for many. These job losses will most certainly have a significant impact on the Mason community as a whole.

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The Death of the Stretch IRA Thumbnail

The Death of the Stretch IRA

The SECURE ACT was enacted on January 1, 2020. While it has been a few years since the act was passed, the effect of the largest retirement reform since 2006 is still being felt today. One of the major changes was the implementation of new required minimum distribution (commonly known as RMD) rules for Inherited IRAs. I like to call this the death of the Stretch IRA. First, let’s establish that an inherited IRA is when a loved one or family member dies with money left in their IRA, 401K, or even 403B, and you are named as a beneficiary. The funds are passed on to you through a vehicle called an Inherited IRA.

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How FED Rate Hikes are Affecting your Pension Thumbnail

How FED Rate Hikes are Affecting your Pension

Ford and General Motors are among some of the largest employers here in Michigan. They also happen to be two of just a handful of employers that offer a pension. However, many employees may not understand that the interest rate hikes by the central bank are having a profound effect on how your pension fits into your retirement plan.

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