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How Will the Election Affect the Markets? Thumbnail

How Will the Election Affect the Markets?

I often field this question from clients around election season. I find that everyone has different motivations for it, as well. Some clients are understandably concerned about their retirement savings being negatively affected by a change (or sometimes a continuation) in leadership. However, almost equally, other people are excited about the growth opportunities and policy changes that a presidential election could bring.

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Q2 Market Update 2024: Multi-Factor Analysis of the Economy and Markets Thumbnail

Q2 Market Update 2024: Multi-Factor Analysis of the Economy and Markets

Domestic large and mid-sized companies led total returns in the last twelve months and through the initial two quarters of 2024 (although emerging markets were about 1.6% higher than mid-sized companies on a year-to-date basis). Large companies generated a positive total return in the second quarter with mid-size and small companies contracting a couple percent, but on a year-to-date basis all three categories have generated positive total returns...

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The Modern Day Gold Rush Thumbnail

The Modern Day Gold Rush

Many moons ago, I was a Personal Finance Planning major at Central Michigan University. I distinctly remember in the Spring of 2012, my finance class had a competition amongst my peers to see who could make the most money in a trading simulation system. At the time, gold was trading at all-time highs. It was the “hot” asset class that was outperforming everything else. The code was cracked (buy gold), and I was destined to be the top performer. Alas, it was not to be, but it got me thinking. With all of the recent headlines of gold hitting all-time highs and the infatuation from the consumer: Is gold really an asset class for the long term?

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Q1 Market Update 2024- The Inflation & Interest Rate Story Thumbnail

Q1 Market Update 2024- The Inflation & Interest Rate Story

For many years, market participants have been closely following every statement made by the Federal Reserve Chairperson and every data point used by the Fed to guide its decisions. However, it has become increasingly tiresome. While monetary policy, including interest rates, is undeniably important, the daily fluctuations caused by inflation reports and their potential influence on the Fed's interest rate decisions have become excessive...

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Q4 Market Update 2023- Turning the Corner Thumbnail

Q4 Market Update 2023- Turning the Corner

When we look back at 2023, we’ll remember it as a banner year for markets. Stocks were up across the board and even bonds produced a solid return. A rough 3rd quarter that led to a rally in November and December pulled markets ahead for a fantastic finish to 2023.

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Q3 Market Update 2023: Changing Seasons Thumbnail

Q3 Market Update 2023: Changing Seasons

It's many folks' favorite season! Fall brings apple cider, donuts, football, and of particular importance to the Carter family- hunting season. The changing of the seasons on the calendar mirrors the changing of the figurative seasons we have witnessed here at FSG.

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