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2025 General Motors Profit Sharing Thumbnail

2025 General Motors Profit Sharing

General Motors employees will be eligible to receive their annual profit-sharing check in February. This year, approximately 45,000 U.S. hourly workers will receive up to $14,500 in profit sharing. Here are the 4 steps you should take once you receive this check.

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Easy Tax Savings you are Likely Missing- Don't Overlook QCDs Thumbnail

Easy Tax Savings you are Likely Missing- Don't Overlook QCDs

In my opinion, Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) are one of the most underutilized tax strategies around today. This is especially true considering the increased standard deduction amount implemented by the “Trump Tax Law.” Those who qualify and are already giving to charity often get significant tax savings with little-to-no downside by utilizing them. In this article, I will go through some basics of QCDs and three ways they can save taxpayer's money.

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What to Do When You Get a Raise Thumbnail

What to Do When You Get a Raise

In 2022, the US inflation rate was the highest it had been since the early 1980s (1). This puts a lot of strain on the income Americans are earning. Getting a raise, especially a significant one, can go a long way to helping pay for those increases in goods and services. In some cases, it can also be as much of a curse as a blessing. Here are some smart steps you can take to make the most of your raise.

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Self-Directed 401k Investing Thumbnail

Self-Directed 401k Investing

Many 401k participants have a little-known feature available to them that dramatically increases the number of investment options and, by extension, increases the quality of their options. This feature is available at major employers such as The University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Lansing Board of Water and Light, and the State of Michigan. The feature is known as a self-directed brokerage account.

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