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Easy Tax Savings you are Likely Missing- Don't Overlook QCDs Thumbnail

Easy Tax Savings you are Likely Missing- Don't Overlook QCDs

In my opinion, Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) are one of the most underutilized tax strategies around today. This is especially true considering the increased standard deduction amount implemented by the “Trump Tax Law.” Those who qualify and are already giving to charity often get significant tax savings with little-to-no downside by utilizing them. In this article, I will go through some basics of QCDs and three ways they can save taxpayer's money.

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CD’s vs Fixed Annuities - Battle of the Guaranteed Investments Thumbnail

CD’s vs Fixed Annuities - Battle of the Guaranteed Investments

For over a decade (from 2009 through 2021), many investors dismissed these investments because the interest they could earn was almost laughable. However, things have changed! Since the end of 2021, interest rates have increased dramatically on virtually all interest bearing investments. As a result, the interest you can earn on your “safe” money through investments like CDs and annuities has more than doubled. By the end of this article, you will better understand when and how you can use each of these investments to maximize your financial well-being, improve your retirement, and keep your money working hard for you.

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The New Age of Financial Responsibility Thumbnail

The New Age of Financial Responsibility

I grew up in a small town outside of Flint, Michigan called Swartz Creek. Many of the people in our community worked for one of the “Big Three” automakers, including my uncle, all three of my best friends’ dads, and many of my extended family. These companies were a classic example of a typical 20th-century employer. Right out of high school you could get a good job and make a very good living. It was certainly not easy work, but if you stuck with it for 30 years you would be well taken care of with an opportunity for early retirement, a good pension, and excellent health care benefits. Today, things are very different.

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The Importance of Financial Literacy and Its Influence on Our Lives Thumbnail

The Importance of Financial Literacy and Its Influence on Our Lives

From where did you learn most of your life skills? How did you learn to brush your teeth, read, write, or drive a car? Personally, I learned these things from my parents and teachers. Here is a topic that affects just about every facet of our lives and many parents have limited knowledge of it and it is often not covered in school: finances! Finances are consistently listed as one of the top reasons for divorce, and money is one of the biggest causes of stress for Americans.

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Social Security- What You Need to Know Before You Claim Thumbnail

Social Security- What You Need to Know Before You Claim

Before claiming social security there are some things you should know. When do you meet your full retirement age because that impacts how much you collect. Take a look at your longevity, your Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) and your spousal benefits. Lastly, keep in mind that there may be taxes and penalties that come with claiming too soon. We realize that this is a complex subject and encourage you to work with a financial planner, CFP® or ChFC® who is proficient in retirement planning.

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Consequences: What will increasing debt and deficits mean for the future of the United States? Thumbnail

Consequences: What will increasing debt and deficits mean for the future of the United States?

"During this time of stimulus spending, tax cuts, and bond-buying by the federal reserve, I find myself wondering what the consequences of all of this debt will be? In this article, I will cover possible consequences of the debt we have accumulated (and continue to accumulate), as well as factors that will either help or hinder our ability to manage this debt load."

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