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Interested in joining the FSG Team?

Available Positions

Client Service Representative

fenton- FULL TIME

This client services representative position is focused on assisting clients in opening their new accounts with FSG. We are specifically looking for a tech-savvy candidate who has extreme focus and attention to detail but is ready and able to work under pressure. It is also essential that this person can work independently, meaning they can be trusted to focus on work during work hours (putting the cell phone aside) without having to be supervised. As a company, we strongly believe the best team members do not need to be managed; they simply need to be supported. We expect out-of-the-box thinking and problem-solving. This team member will always have the benefit of a team but should be able to work through issues independently as well.


Junior Financial Advisor


This financial advisor position is specifically to fill the role of Junior Financial Advisor to FSG’s founding advisors.  This advisor will shadow the advisors, assist with inputting notes and data, and eventually take select clients from their advisors to have as their own.  

Junior Advisor will have the opportunity to bring on their own clients and grow their individual book of business as they desire. 

There is a possibility that this advisor will fill the advisor seat on FSG’s leadership team and assist in coordinating with other departments.

Full Description

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