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2025 General Motors Profit Sharing Thumbnail

2025 General Motors Profit Sharing

General Motors employees will be eligible to receive their annual profit-sharing check in February. This year, approximately 45,000 U.S. hourly workers will receive up to $14,500 in profit sharing. Here are the 4 steps you should take once you receive this check.

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The Modern Day Gold Rush Thumbnail

The Modern Day Gold Rush

Many moons ago, I was a Personal Finance Planning major at Central Michigan University. I distinctly remember in the Spring of 2012, my finance class had a competition amongst my peers to see who could make the most money in a trading simulation system. At the time, gold was trading at all-time highs. It was the “hot” asset class that was outperforming everything else. The code was cracked (buy gold), and I was destined to be the top performer. Alas, it was not to be, but it got me thinking. With all of the recent headlines of gold hitting all-time highs and the infatuation from the consumer: Is gold really an asset class for the long term?

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 Developing Your Financial Fitness Thumbnail

Developing Your Financial Fitness

You work hard to keep your body fit and healthy. Regular exercise, dieting, annual physicals, doctors visits and perhaps even taking supplements are all a part of your physical fitness plan. But are you giving the same attention to your financial fitness? For many people, personal savings and retirement planning are not made a priority like they should be. I could argue that your finances are just as important as your physical health. Here are some things to consider about your financial fitness:

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Identity Theft: You Gotta Be Quicker than That! Thumbnail

Identity Theft: You Gotta Be Quicker than That!

Everyone most likely is aware of the State Farm commercial, with the older gentleman holding a fishing pole with a dollar attached to the hook. People try to pick up the dollar and it is quickly jerked away and they say, “you gotta be quicker than that!” If not, here is a viral meme from the commercial.

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Avoiding “The Veblen Effect” Thumbnail

Avoiding “The Veblen Effect”

It is not a secret that the prices of goods and services have increased substantially over the past year. We see it in our daily lives, whether at the grocery store or browsing Amazon.com in search of our familiar vices. As some of you know, this steady increase in the prices of goods and services is due to inflation (in most cases). According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, year-over-year inflation currently sits at 4.93% for the 12 months ending April 2023. This is based on the ‘all items’ consumer price index, which includes food and energy. However, should all price increases be attributed to an increase in the consumer price index? The answer is no, and here’s why:

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The "B" Word Thumbnail

The "B" Word

No, I’m not talking about that “B” word! I’m talking about that curse word known as a BUDGET. I commonly refer to your budget as “Lifestyle”. Now, I’m not talking about a budget in the sense that everyone has to have an itemized spreadsheet or spend countless hours a week micromanaging transactions. In generalities, a budget is having an idea of how much income is coming in and how much in expenses are going out. Typically, most households run their budget on a month to month basis for simplicity. This gives us an idea of how much money is left over each month. To be frank, when you retire not only will you have to know your budget, but you will also have to live within it. Otherwise, you run the risk of running out of money. At some point, you will need to carefully manage income and expenses, so why not start practicing today?

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