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Forecasting Long Term Wealth: Debt Reductions vs Investments Thumbnail

Forecasting Long Term Wealth: Debt Reductions vs Investments

Asset ownership or debt reduction? A common question considered, yet a question frequently simplified down to determination by simple interest rate differentials (the separation between interest charged on debt and the rate of return expected on your investment portfolio). Life, especially the interrelationships of economics and the underlying mathematics, is not so simple.

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What My Hobby Taught Me About Seeking Advice	 Thumbnail

What My Hobby Taught Me About Seeking Advice

It all started when a project on my honey-do list required me to dust off the circular saw. I discovered an interest in woodworking... Most people start their research on Google but fail to realize that everyone has a unique set of circumstances and goals, so general advice isn’t going to get you where you need to be, at least not efficiently. The same goes for financial advice. There are a lot of different ways to save and invest, but making sure you are using the right investments and saving your money in the right places will have a huge impact on the quality and success of your goals.

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The Illusion Of Diversification Thumbnail

The Illusion Of Diversification

Instinctively investors know they should diversify their portfolio and most do this. Having looked at hundreds, if not thousands, of portfolios, I can tell you that diversification amounts to more than just owning multiple funds. A common mistake that investors make when trying to diversify their IRA or 401k is that they, inadvertently, create a portfolio that has the illusion of diversification...

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The Modern Day Gold Rush Thumbnail

The Modern Day Gold Rush

Many moons ago, I was a Personal Finance Planning major at Central Michigan University. I distinctly remember in the Spring of 2012, my finance class had a competition amongst my peers to see who could make the most money in a trading simulation system. At the time, gold was trading at all-time highs. It was the “hot” asset class that was outperforming everything else. The code was cracked (buy gold), and I was destined to be the top performer. Alas, it was not to be, but it got me thinking. With all of the recent headlines of gold hitting all-time highs and the infatuation from the consumer: Is gold really an asset class for the long term?

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Treasuries as an Investment Thumbnail

Treasuries as an Investment

The single most important investment in the global financial system is the U.S. Treasury Security. In my first investing class in college, I remember the professor explaining that our entire investing and financial system is built upon the premise that treasuries are the safest investment and that the U.S. always pays its debts. That statement might sound strange to those who are not a fan of the way we as a country run a deficit or to those who have paid close attention to the budget ceiling fights in recent years. Despite those factors, the premise is true, and that is why treasuries are the single most important investment in the U.S. financial system.

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Divorce- Stay or Go, What You Must Know.  Thumbnail

Divorce- Stay or Go, What You Must Know.

It is often said that “half of marriages end in divorce.” The truth is that divorce rates have declined over the last ten years (1). Whether you choose to stay married or divorce, the amount of couples getting divorced is still staggering and it can happen to any of us. Divorce is far reaching, often affecting more than just the two people involved and their possessions. Family, friendships, children, businesses, real estate, income, assets, and retirement are a few things on that very long list.

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Self-Directed 401k Investing Thumbnail

Self-Directed 401k Investing

Many 401k participants have a little-known feature available to them that dramatically increases the number of investment options and, by extension, increases the quality of their options. This feature is available at major employers such as The University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Lansing Board of Water and Light, and the State of Michigan. The feature is known as a self-directed brokerage account.

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