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Forecasting Long Term Wealth: Debt Reductions vs Investments Thumbnail

Forecasting Long Term Wealth: Debt Reductions vs Investments

Asset ownership or debt reduction? A common question considered, yet a question frequently simplified down to determination by simple interest rate differentials (the separation between interest charged on debt and the rate of return expected on your investment portfolio). Life, especially the interrelationships of economics and the underlying mathematics, is not so simple.

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The "B" Word Thumbnail

The "B" Word

No, I’m not talking about that “B” word! I’m talking about that curse word known as a BUDGET. I commonly refer to your budget as “Lifestyle”. Now, I’m not talking about a budget in the sense that everyone has to have an itemized spreadsheet or spend countless hours a week micromanaging transactions. In generalities, a budget is having an idea of how much income is coming in and how much in expenses are going out. Typically, most households run their budget on a month to month basis for simplicity. This gives us an idea of how much money is left over each month. To be frank, when you retire not only will you have to know your budget, but you will also have to live within it. Otherwise, you run the risk of running out of money. At some point, you will need to carefully manage income and expenses, so why not start practicing today?

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Not Your Grandparents’ 529 Thumbnail

Not Your Grandparents’ 529

When it comes to planning for your education, there is no better vehicle than a 529. A 529 is a tax-advantaged account designed to help pay for education. 529 Plans grow tax-deferred, and withdrawals are tax-free if they are used for qualified educational expenses. The downside if proceeds are not used for qualified educational expenses, any earnings will come out as ordinary income and a 10% penalty is tacked on. However, recent legislative changes now allow for greater flexibility with leftover or unused 529 plan funds!

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Financial Spring Cleaning Thumbnail

Financial Spring Cleaning

Springtime is almost here! Spring brings a sense of renewal and optimism after the long dreary winter months. As the warmer weather moves in, we tend to find ourselves feeling more motivated, ready to clear out the old and bring in the new! Spring cleaning is a popular tradition for many, as it provides a chance to clear out any stagnant clutter and stale air. We kick off the season with scrubbing, organizing, and decluttering all of the physical aspects of our home and lives.

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