"Who's the Best at Christmas" Human Christmas Tree- Ed Constable Team
This year we are competing with three local companies to see "Who's the Best at Christmas". Each team will be creating a "Human Christmas Tree". They were allowed to spend up to $50 on props and had 8 minutes to complete their "Human Christmas Tree" ๐
The Ed Constable, Realtor Team will be collecting toiletries/hygiene items for Fenton Center of Hope (fentoncenterofhope.org). They are in need of items such as deodorant, shampoo, body wash, razors, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and feminine hygiene products.
Each item collected will be counted as a vote. To cast your vote for the Ed Constable Team, order items online and have delivered to 1032 N. Leroy St. Fenton MI, 48430. All items must be received by December 23rd.