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FSG and Sub-Advisor ADVs

On an annual basis Registered Investment Advisers are required to file and provide clients with updated copies of the firm’s disclosure documents. Please find in the links below a copy of our updated Form ADV and current privacy policy, which contain important information about the practices of our firm.

FSG- FSG Form CRS FINAL 2024 and FSG Form ADV Part 2A - 2024

Privacy Policy- Privacy Policy.pdf

Mark- Form ADV Part 2B - Carter, Mark.pdf

Brice- Form ADV Part 2B - Carter Brice.pdf

Brandon- Form ADV Part 2B - Carter, Brandon.pdf

Kyle- Form ADV Part 2B - Kyle Cooper .pdf

Justin- Form ADV Part 2B - Justin Meyer.pdf

Brittany- Form ADV Part 2B - Culver, Brittany.pdf

Envestnet- Envestnet Privacy Policy.pdf and Envestnet Part 2A.pdf

Glovista- Glovista Part 2A.pdf

Morningstar Investment Services-  Morningstar CRS (material changes) .pdf , Morningstar CRS.pdf , Morningstar Part 2 Summary.pdf, Morningstar Part 2A (For ABP accounts).pdf, and Morningstar Part 2A.pdf

Zacks- Zacks Part 2A .pdf

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